ESL 5315 Academic Writing Thank you for participating in our survey on cell phones and intercultural marriages! Feel free to make any comment.
1. ___ M ___ F
2. ___ single ___ married ____ in committed relationship ____ divorced
3. Age ___<18 ___18-22 ___ 23-27 ____28-35 ____ >35
4. (check all that apply) ___ from Texas ____ from USA, not Texas ____ international
___ from Lubbock ____ from urban area, bigger than LBK ____ from city or town smaller than LBK
____ from farm, ranch, countryside
5. Describe your major, occupation or field (check more than one if appropriate)
___ hard sciences ___ math ___ English/rhetoric/literature
___ creative arts ___ design ___ social sciences ___ other (name) ____________
6. How many hours do you spend on the cell phone per day?
___ less than 30 minutes ___ 1-2 hours ___ 3-4 hours ___ > 4 hours
7. How many times do you check your phone in an average 50 minute class?
___ never ___ 1-3 times ____ 4-10 times >10 times ___ constantly
8. What is usually your purpose of using the cell phone in class?
___ browsing ___ texting ___ checking social media ___ other _________________________________
9. Do you feel that checking cell phones in class hurts your grade?
___ Yes ____ No
10. When you are driving in Lubbock, how often do you check or use your phone?
___ never ___ only when stopped ____ occasionally ___ a lot
11. When you are driving on the open road, how often do you check or use your phone?
___ never ___ only when stopped ____ occasionally ___ a lot
12. What is your purpose in using cell phones while driving? Check what applies.
___ GPS ___ texting ___ speaking ___ social media ____ music ___ never use phone
13. Do you feel using the phone when driving is wrong or dangerous?
___ always ___ usually _____ often ___ sometimes ___ not generally
14. Do you think excessive use of cell phone is reducing social interaction?
___ yes ___ no
15. Have you ever had stress on a date, or difference of opinion on phone use?
___ yes, I used it more than date wanted ___ yes, date used it more than I wanted ___ no
16. Do you teach parents, aunts & uncles, or grandparents how to use cell phones?
___ Yes ___ No
17. Which do you generally prefer, texting or calling? ___ texting ___ calling
19. How do you feel when your cell phone has died? (check what applies)
___ no feeling ___ annoyed ___ insecure ___ unsafe ___ like I’ve lost a limb
20. Has a cell phone ever caused one of these for you or someone you know?
___ excess stress ___ sleep disorder
21. Do you use your phone for either of these? Check what’s appropriate.
___ religious purposes ___ banking ___ shopping, i.e. on Amazon
22. Do you have experience with intercultural/interracial marriage or relationships?
___ no ___ have been in one ___ am in one now ___ grew up in one
23. Would/Did your parents support your intercultural/interracial marriage?
___ yes ___ no ___ yes with warning or strong advice
24. Would you support your child’s intercultural/interracial marriage?
___ yes ___ no ___ yes with warning or strong advice
25. Do you feel more supportive of it than your parents?
___ more supportive ____ less supportive ___ about the same
26. Do you think intercultural marriage is good for society?
___ yes ___ no ___ doesn’t make a difference
27. What do you think are the most difficult aspects for people in intercultural marriages?
___ religion ___ language differences ___ food ___ other _____________________________________
28. What kinds of things could cause arguments in intercultural marriages?
___ food ___ religion ___ traditions ___ ways of communicating ___ other _______
28. What would you be willing to sacrifice to maintain an intercultural marriage? (choose as many as apply)
___ nothing ___ some food preferences ___ seeing family as often as I’d like
___ live in the town I’d like best ___ being able to have the best job or job I’d like
___ having a family of different religion from mine ___ would sacrifice anything for love
29. What do you think are the most beneficial aspects of intercultural marriage? (check what applies)
___ none ___ children have better education ___ become more open-minded
___ learn more about cultures, travel more ___ other (name) _______________________________________
30. How would you characterize children of intercultural/interracial marriages, generally? Check any.
___ advantaged by being bilingual/bicultural/biracial
___ advantaged by being more adaptive to change & cultures
___ teased or ridiculed by other kids
___ more open-minded
___ confused about religion
___ less interested in religion
31. How do you feel about pastoral counseling for intercultural couples? (Check any that apply)
___ necessary ___ always helpful ___ sometimes helpful
___ not helpful ___ might cause more harm than good
33. If you are in an intercultural marriage, would you do it again, if you could go to the past?
___ yes ___ no
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
survey first draft
ESL 5315 Academic Writing Thank you for participating in our survey on cell phones and intercultural marriages! Feel free to make any comment.
1. ___ M ___ F
2. Age ___<18 ___18-22 ___ 23-27 ____28-35 ____ >35
3. (check all that apply) ___ from Texas ____ from USA, not Texas ____ international
___ from Lubbock ____ from urban area, bigger than LBK ____ from city or town smaller than LBK
____ from farm, ranch, countryside
4. Describe your major (check more than one if appropriate)
___ hard sciences ___ math ___ English/rhetoric/literature
___ creative arts ___ design ___ social sciences
5. How many hours do you spend on the cell phone per day?
___ less than 30 minutes ___ 1-2 hours ___ 3-4 hours ___ > 4 hours
6. Do you like multi-feature phones or simple phones?
___ multi-feature ___ simple
7. How many times do you check your phone in an average 50 minute class?
___ never ___ 1-3 times ____ 4-10 times >10 times ___ constantly
8. What is usually your purpose of using the cell phone in class?
___ for browsing ___ for texting ___ for checking social media
___ other ____________________________________________________
9. Do you feel that checking cell phones in class hurts your grade?
___ Yes ____ No
10. When you are driving in Lubbock, how often do you check or use your phone?
___ never ___ only when stopped ____ occasionally ___ a lot
11. When you are driving on the open road, how often do you check or use your phone?
___ never ___ only when stopped ____ occasionally ___ a lot
12. What is your purpose in using cell phones while driving? Check what applies.
___ for GPS ___ for texting ___ for speaking ___ never use phone
13. Do you feel using the phone in the car is wrong or dangerous?
___ yes ___ no ____ sometimes
14. If your friend gives you a ride home and uses his/her cellphone, will you persuade him/her not to?
___ yes ___ no ____ maybe
15. Do you think excessive use of cell phone is reducing social interaction?
___ yes ___ no
16. Have you ever had stress on a date, or difference of opinion on phone use?
___ yes ___ no
17. Do you teach parents, aunts & uncles, or grandparents how to use cell phones?
___ Yes ___ No
18. Which do you generally prefer, texting or calling?
___ texting ___ calling
19. Have you ever felt unsafe or insecure when your cell phone died?
___ yes ___ no
20. Do you think that cell phones can cause sleep disorder?
___ yes ___ no
21. Do you use your phone for either of these? Check what’s appropriate.
___ religious purposes ___ for banking
22. Do you have experience with intercultural/interracial marriage or relationships?
___ no ___ have been in one ___ am in one now ___ grew up in one
23. Would/Did your parents support your intercultural/interracial marriage?
___ yes ___ no ___ yes with warning or strong advice
24. Would you support your child’s intercultural/interracial marriage?
___ yes ___ no ___ yes with warning or strong advice
25. Do you feel more supportive of it than your parents?
___ more supportive ____ less supportive ___ about the same
26. Do you think intercultural marriage is good for society?
___ yes ___ no ___ doesn’t make a difference
27. What do you think are the most difficult aspects for people in intercultural marriages?
___ religion ___ language differences ___ food ___ other _____________________________________
28. What would you be willing to sacrifice to maintain an intercultural marriage? (choose as many as apply)
___ nothing ___ some food preferences ___ seeing family as often as I’d like
___ live in the town I’d like best ___ being able to have the best job or job I’d like
___ having a family of different religion from mine
29. What do you think are the most beneficial aspects of intercultural marriage? (check what applies
___ none ___ children have better education ___ become more open-minded
___ other (name) _______________________________________
30. Do you think that children of intercultural marriages are more adaptive toward change?
___ yes ___ no
31. Do you believe that food can have a potential impact on an intercultural relationship?
___ yes ___ no
32. Do you think that the language barrier/problem will have a bad effect on dealing with arguments?
___ yes ___ no
33. If you are in an intercultural marriage, would you do it again, if you could go to the past?
___ yes ___ no
1. ___ M ___ F
2. Age ___<18 ___18-22 ___ 23-27 ____28-35 ____ >35
3. (check all that apply) ___ from Texas ____ from USA, not Texas ____ international
___ from Lubbock ____ from urban area, bigger than LBK ____ from city or town smaller than LBK
____ from farm, ranch, countryside
4. Describe your major (check more than one if appropriate)
___ hard sciences ___ math ___ English/rhetoric/literature
___ creative arts ___ design ___ social sciences
5. How many hours do you spend on the cell phone per day?
___ less than 30 minutes ___ 1-2 hours ___ 3-4 hours ___ > 4 hours
6. Do you like multi-feature phones or simple phones?
___ multi-feature ___ simple
7. How many times do you check your phone in an average 50 minute class?
___ never ___ 1-3 times ____ 4-10 times >10 times ___ constantly
8. What is usually your purpose of using the cell phone in class?
___ for browsing ___ for texting ___ for checking social media
___ other ____________________________________________________
9. Do you feel that checking cell phones in class hurts your grade?
___ Yes ____ No
10. When you are driving in Lubbock, how often do you check or use your phone?
___ never ___ only when stopped ____ occasionally ___ a lot
11. When you are driving on the open road, how often do you check or use your phone?
___ never ___ only when stopped ____ occasionally ___ a lot
12. What is your purpose in using cell phones while driving? Check what applies.
___ for GPS ___ for texting ___ for speaking ___ never use phone
13. Do you feel using the phone in the car is wrong or dangerous?
___ yes ___ no ____ sometimes
14. If your friend gives you a ride home and uses his/her cellphone, will you persuade him/her not to?
___ yes ___ no ____ maybe
15. Do you think excessive use of cell phone is reducing social interaction?
___ yes ___ no
16. Have you ever had stress on a date, or difference of opinion on phone use?
___ yes ___ no
17. Do you teach parents, aunts & uncles, or grandparents how to use cell phones?
___ Yes ___ No
18. Which do you generally prefer, texting or calling?
___ texting ___ calling
19. Have you ever felt unsafe or insecure when your cell phone died?
___ yes ___ no
20. Do you think that cell phones can cause sleep disorder?
___ yes ___ no
21. Do you use your phone for either of these? Check what’s appropriate.
___ religious purposes ___ for banking
22. Do you have experience with intercultural/interracial marriage or relationships?
___ no ___ have been in one ___ am in one now ___ grew up in one
23. Would/Did your parents support your intercultural/interracial marriage?
___ yes ___ no ___ yes with warning or strong advice
24. Would you support your child’s intercultural/interracial marriage?
___ yes ___ no ___ yes with warning or strong advice
25. Do you feel more supportive of it than your parents?
___ more supportive ____ less supportive ___ about the same
26. Do you think intercultural marriage is good for society?
___ yes ___ no ___ doesn’t make a difference
27. What do you think are the most difficult aspects for people in intercultural marriages?
___ religion ___ language differences ___ food ___ other _____________________________________
28. What would you be willing to sacrifice to maintain an intercultural marriage? (choose as many as apply)
___ nothing ___ some food preferences ___ seeing family as often as I’d like
___ live in the town I’d like best ___ being able to have the best job or job I’d like
___ having a family of different religion from mine
29. What do you think are the most beneficial aspects of intercultural marriage? (check what applies
___ none ___ children have better education ___ become more open-minded
___ other (name) _______________________________________
30. Do you think that children of intercultural marriages are more adaptive toward change?
___ yes ___ no
31. Do you believe that food can have a potential impact on an intercultural relationship?
___ yes ___ no
32. Do you think that the language barrier/problem will have a bad effect on dealing with arguments?
___ yes ___ no
33. If you are in an intercultural marriage, would you do it again, if you could go to the past?
___ yes ___ no
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